Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ever wanted to download older apple developer tools

You can find tools like Xcode 3 with iOS 4 SDK

Don't risk yourself to download these tools from unofficial sources
Which can lead to XcodeGhost problems too

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Simulator builds for iOS

Go to ~/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/

You will find directories with alphanumeric names

then click on the one of the directories and make following selection


Again you will find directories with alphanumeric names if you click on that you will find

Simulator build over there

You can copy this .app over and and install it using following command on a running simulator

xcrun simctl install booted *.app


Installing iOS device build on simulator will not work out.

  • iPhone simulator uses i386 architecture
  • iPad simulator builds uses x86_34 architecture
  • iOS device build uses ARM based architecture

iOS simulator has so many drawbacks

Simulator uses lower level OSx frameworks not actual iOS frameworks so results can be different sometimes
GPU based UI rendering is different etc..

iOS simulator is good for functional testing and general and UI based alignment verifications